MYDAWA is proud to partner with Amref Health Africa in Kenya through their social enterprise Af-Rika. This partnership will go a long way in improving youth access to health, wellness and personal care products especially in the area of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) products.

The partnership leverages on MYDAWA’s technology and logistics platform to ensure that users are able to access quality products; safely and professionally. This coupled with Amref Health’s reach all across Kenya means that youth in the country are able to access information on contraceptives and other health products and have them delivered to them wherever they are.
Through the Afrika website available on,users will be able to get detailed information on sexual reproductive health and rights, mental health, life skills and productivity. This information will in the long run, empower them to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. They can then register for an account on the website and view the products that they need under the ‘MyShop’ feature.
When an AfRika user wants to order a product, they will be able to checkout on the MYDAWA platform where they can complete payment and enter their preferred delivery location. Delivery will be made within 4 hours in Nairobi and in less than 24 hours across Kenya. In case the user is under the age of 18, the order will be done by a qualified health care worker who will also receive the products. Delivery is made discretely and professionally and the MYDAWA team have a dedicated customer service team ready and available to talk to users and guide them through their ordering journey. They are also able to access telehealth partners affiliated with MYDAWA to get more in-depth medical consultations.

MYDAWA is Kenya’s first registered online pharmacy regulated by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Kenya (PPB-K). Through its web platform, users can order health, wellness and personal care products and have them delivered to their doorstep. Access is through the website the MYDAWA Android app or even through direct channels such as our WhatsApp number 0721 301448 or email.
About Amref Health Africa
Amref Health Africa, headquartered in Kenya, is the largest Africa based International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO) currently running programs in over 35 countries in Africa with lessons learnt over 60 years of engagement with governments, communities and partners to increase sustainable health access in Africa. Amref Health Africa also incorporates programme development, fundraising, partnership, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation, and has offices in Europe and North America as well as subsidiaries: Amref Flying Doctors, Amref Enterprises and the Amref International University. Amref’s Strategy is to advance Africa’s health by catalyzing an evidence-based movement aimed at reducing the gap between communities and the rest of the health system using a series of programme drivers that are crosscutting and process-based. The programme themes that will lead to the realization of the strategy are the partnership with communities for better health; building capacity for strengthened communities and health system responsiveness; and health systems research for policy and practice.
The building blocks of our approach are in three key strategic areas;
- Human Resources for Health – this involves capacity building of mid-level and community health workers through in-service, pre-service and Continuing Professional Development.
- Innovative Health Services and Solutions – main focus is to influence policy by developing innovative models that contribute to improved access to and utilisation of quality preventive, curative and restorative health services
- Investing in Health – involves closely working with the government and other stakeholders to contribute to increased investments in health that will ensure Universal Health Coverage
About Afrika

Afrika is a social enterprise established by Amref Health Africa in Kenya. AfRIKA is an African-themed online platform that serves as a vehicle for a social movement empowering young people to be healthy and productive. The main goal is to sustainably connect adolescents and young people below age 24 years with age-appropriate youth-friendly SRHR information, services and products to improve health outcomes and offer an online platform where young people can play, innovate and thrive. AfRika has 3 pillars including Inform, Connect and Thrive:
Inform: AfRika’s reach is an opportunity that Amref has intentionally focused to reach adolescents and youth with factual Sexual Reproductive Health information. This content is both expert generated with health care professionals pushing content to be consumed by the adolescents and youth. Additionally, the content is user-generated to ensure interactivity and that the young people own and packaging of the content is relevant for them.
Connect: link youth to Youth-friendly services and self-care SRHR products. Through MyShop, young people are able to access self-care SRH products like contraceptives, condoms, HIV self-testing kit, pregnancy self-testing kit and sanitary towels in an affordable and convenient manner.
Thrive: Empower youth to be productive by providing linkages to resources, e-courses, digital literacy resources and entrepreneurship opportunities. Further, we are exploring having an online innovation hub that can identify health innovations from youth and link these innovations to internal and external mentorship and test labs for testing the proof of concept.