It’s been roughly two months of low temperatures in many parts of the country and the word “cold” has been on everyone’s lips. Not only has this word become an ice breaker in conversations but has been used as a pick-up line by some. Interesting, isn’t it?
Well, with the many cold memes going around many may not realize is that it has been taxing for young mothers. This is because mothers are bearing the burden of protecting their children against this cold weather.
During this cold season, kids mostly are vulnerable to cold-related illnesses and it can cause health scares in a family.
Illness associated with cold weather
- Common cold. Caused mainly by coronavirus and rhinoviruses it reveals itself through several common symptoms such as a sore throat, blocked nose coughing, and sneezing.

- Flu: Caused mainly by the influenza virus. Symptoms include high temperature, body aches, cold sweats and shivers.
Interestingly, what you may not be aware of is that cold weather does not directly cause colds or flu but it’s certainly the root of many temperature-related sicknesses. They are viral diseases
So why do people associate common cold and flu with cold weather?
According to research, while the weather is not directly responsible for making people sick, the viruses that cause colds may spread more easily in lower temperatures. Consequently, exposure to cold and dry air may during this season adversely impact the body’s immune system
According to Medical News Today, viruses that cause colds and flu usually survive and reproduce more effectively at colder temperatures, making it easier for them to spread and infect more people.
During the cold season, exposure to cold weather can adversely weaken a person’s immune response. This, therefore, makes it hard for the body to fight infections. Furthermore, during the cold season, there is reduced vitamin D in our bodies due to reduced exposure to the sun. Remember that vitamin D plays an essential role in maintaining our immunity.
There are various home remedies and medical ways in which we can protect our kids during this cold season and prevent them from getting these viral-related illnesses. They include.
- Dressing kids appropriately for the cold weather
- Washing hands regularly with soap and running water which has a lot of health benefits as outlined here
- Getting plenty of sleep
- Staying hydrated by taking water throughout the day.
- Ensuring that the kids cover their mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing. They can cover their mouth with a tissue or sneeze into a clean tissue. If no tissue is available, it is better to use an elbow rather than the hands.
- Taking food that is high in Vitamin C and D such as eggs, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and getting enough sunlight.
- Supplement intake – Some people take supplements to prevent or treat a cold. One can boost the amount of vitamin C and D in his body by taking supplements that can be purchased at MYDAWA. There are an array of other benefits of using supplements that will help your kids grow healthily.

- Pain relievers: A headache, sore throat, and fever associated with common colds may be relieved with over-the-counter medications. Some of these are also available for purchase online through MYDAWA.
- Vaporizers or humidifiers: These devices help add moisture to the air, which may ease coughing and congestion. Vaporizers and humidifiers should be cleaned daily to discourage the growth of microbes and mold.
In conclusion, whatever you do during the cold season always ensure that your loved ones are well-protected. Remember that children under the age of 5 years and adults over 65 years are at high risk. Therefore, ensure that one consults a doctor early enough.