There are so many words to describe mums: amazing, loving, strong, happy, selfless, graceful… the list is endless.
Frankly, all mothers are superheroes in their own way. It’s evident because they take on the hardest job with such grace, it’s admirable. That just what motherhood is; a beautiful reality that doesn’t care about fixing meals, doing laundry, washing a pile of dishes in the sink, driving here and there and everywhere (sounds poetic?) because in the end, the gummy smiles and every token of affection will make the difficulties fade away.

We can’t even begin to cover everything mothers do but we talked to a few people and this is what they had to thank their mums for:
- All the times she had to double as best friend/counselor/therapist/costume designer/hair stylist/coach/all-around-solver-of-every-problem-ever. Convinced that moms aren’t actually superheroes in disguise?
- Good listeners to all the pointless drama you’ve involved yourself in, if you can remember!
- You forgot to call her last week but she forgave you.
- You turned out perfect.
- She was on your side when you messed up.
- All those times you yelled “MUM!!!!!!!” because you couldn’t find your favourite white shirt and all the other questions you couldn’t go to dad for.
- The clothes, chocolates, those platforms. Everything she reluctantly bought you because really, you’re her child. Now that you’re a parent, understanding the value of a shilling really makes you reconsider just how much mums sacrifice.
- Mmmh…The home cooked meals. Phenomenal.
- Putting up with your ‘Puberty Phase’
- For giving you a sister or brother, who’s now your best friend.
- All those times they took care of you and got your the right dawa to get you better.
- Attending all the rehearsals, every game because she understood how important it was for you.
- Doing her best, even when things were difficult. Mothers have this incredible gift of keeping it all together when everything else is falling apart, don’t you think?
- Being a living proof that mothers can do it all!
We’d love to hear from you to add to this list, leave us a comment with your own list of things you believe makes mothers awesome. You can even share a specific supermum you want us to acknowledge and we will send them your love on our social media channels.
Surprise that special woman in your life with some of these goodies on MYDAWA to say “thank you, mummy, you’re the best!”