To celebrate Movember, we are having a fun competition here at MYDAWA; we are calling it the #BattleOfTheBeards. The premise is simple, share a photo or video of your glorious beard or of one that you admire and we will pick the best of them to award with awesome gifts to keep those beards and moustaches healthy and strong. We have a wide range of men’s skin and hair care products.

Keeping with the Movember spirit we are also raising awareness of men’s health issues and the need for our brothers to take care of themselves more. Getting tested for some common diseases such as testicular cancer and prostate cancer is something every man should do frequently. This Movember campaign also gives a safe space where men can talk about the issues that affect them mentally and emotionally; making it normal for guys to talk about their feelings. We want every man, young or old, to know and believe that “You are not alone!”
To participate in the #BattleoftheBeards and get a chance to win yourself some awesome freebies.
- Follow the MYDAWA Facebook or Twitter page.
- Upload a photo or video of your beard with the tag #BattleOfTheBeards plus #MovemberWithMYDAWA and tag us. You can also share a picture/video of someone else, but be sure to ask them first.
- Add a short caption saying why you think that your post is the best beard ever. You can also share your tips and tricks to keeping such an awesome mane.
- Get fellow internet strangers to agree that your beard indeed the one to rule them all.
- We will choose two lucky beards to give out a MYDAWA hamper and crown you the Beardest of them All.
To learn more about MYDAWA and it services, visit our website or download the Android app today.