I will start you off with a story before we fully get into this. I started my fitness journey in January 2017 but before that, I had tried so many things since 2014 without fully committing. During those three years, I constantly fell off the wagon and was inconsistent with my training. However, since 2017, I have not given up on this journey to health. I have remained consistent with it such that it feels more natural to me now. It is stress and overwhelm free.

I will share with you the things I did in December 2016 to prepare myself for the success I anticipated for in 2017 and beyond.
1. I came up with a vivid goal.
I wanted many things for my body. I wanted to look like some majestic body building Barbie doll, but I was so far from it. I wanted to lose my tummy and back fat and still build a big bum and have huge thighs. I had just heard that THICK THIGHS SAVE LIVES and your Wamwere was ready to join this team of super heroines hahaha. But you see, based on my situation at the time, I had to pick one clear and specific want. I chose to lose weight and workout from home; a plan that was very convenient. How you ask? I could save on money I didn’t have in the first place to pay for gym membership and to top it all off, work for the abs I had heard anyone could get.
2. I came up with a tentative routine that would enable me to work-out from home.
You see, I was getting into my 2nd semester as a 3rd year student in campus. Naturally, I had to factor in classes that took place on different hours of the day on different days. First, I looked at my timetable and came up with the number of times I was willing to workout per week and the length per session. Then, I drew up a plan showing tentative times when it would be ideal for me to work out on those days. Therefore, going into each week, I had a rough idea of what was expected from me. If you are working, this plan will look slightly different based on the responsibilities you have. You could consider squeezing in a session before work, during your lunch break or in the evening after work based on the days you choose for yourself.
3. I chose a program that I knew would get me the results I wanted.
For me this was joining Kayla Itsines January 2017 BBG challenge. I had seen thousands of girls who had done the program get the results i hoped for, so it was a no brainer for me. I would get to work out from home and for only 28 minutes a session. 4x a week. Remember I told you I also wanted to grow a butt too? I had a program ready for that too. The GRACE FIT GUIDE challenge was also starting that same January and had I chosen to start weightlifting, that was the program I was going to use. I tell you; a girl was prepared! Failure to plan was planning to fail and this was a venture I was not going to fail at. I therefore advice that you get a program that is tailored to help you attain the specific goals you want because just doing anything will move you but not in a specific direction.
Best now to mention that I will be hosting a 2020 8- week challenge to help you jump start your fitness journey. There are 4 different packages with perfectly affordable rates based on what you deem your needs to be. We start on 6th January 2020. Use the link here to register!

4. I invested in myself.
Do you get excited by new and shiny things? I do! Well not shiny things; sparkle doesn’t excite me but owning something new gives me such a buzz. I mean it doesn’t even have to be new but owning it for the first time really elates me. So, your girl went to Globe round about and bought 2 sports bras and a pair of leggings. Yes, mtumba sports- wear is my jam! I also passed by Githurai on a different day and got myself a pair of sports shoes. I already had a mat and a skipping rope that I had bought in the previous years and I was set! I couldn’t wait to put these items into use. To be honest, there were many times that I worked out and stayed my course just because I got to wear my cute sports-bras and shoes. Worthy worthy investments! How comfortably dressed you has an impact on the effort you put into your workouts. Buying a mat, a pair of dumbbells, getting a gym membership, hiring a personal trainer- these things help increase your chances of success, so DO IT!

5. I got accountability partners.
With the BBG challenge starting and having a community of girls all over the world to do it with, I joined WhatsApp and Facebook support groups. Seeing other women with whom I shared a goal following the same program gave me so much motivation not be left behind and to Get Mine as well. Tips and struggles were shared and with each day we all were more knowledgeable and committed to our individual fitness goals. The program was 12 weeks and I managed to stay consistent for 10 weeks then transitioned into weightlifting.
I had never! Ever! Been that committed to my fitness up until then. Those 5 things are my secret. I just prepared in advance and by Monday 9th January 2017 I began an adventure that I am still on to date! The results I have seen have been tremendous and because I know what works, I am providing you such an opportunity as well through my 2020 8- week challenge. I will help you lose that weight in a way that feels stress-free and sustainable long term. Be my partner.
2020 is your year. Set the pace to which you expect the rest of the decade to play out. Say yes to your wants and be willing to work hard enough to achieve them! ‘Register for here 8 -week challenge here ..
I believe in you.
Rachel Wamwere is a Personal Trainer and Online Fitness Coach. Her purpose is to help women learn how to take care of their bodies, become stronger physically and mentally and to realise that they too are their own body goals.
@wamwerefitness Rachel Wamwere