As unprecedented as the year 2020 has proven to be, every person is certainly experiencing a huge shift in daily routines because of the new normal brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. As we ushered in the new year, nobody would have imagined that toilet paper would be as precious as gold or a trip to the shop to go do some grocery shopping feel like a video game adventure.

The positive thing brought about by the lockdown period is- as the adage goes, “necessity is the mother of invention,”- taught us how to innovate new ways of how to do one’s shopping, study or work, worship, play et al. as various aspects of society slowly re-open, some restrictions and government directives through the Ministry of Health will remain with us.
Adjusting to change can be a challenge for most, but it is inevitable. We are living in such a time that has never been experienced before, therefore, human for one to feel all sorts of emotions in between the changes. How can one be able to intentionally adapt to the vast changes?
Stay active as you practice social distancing.
Physical activity is essentially important in weight management, illness prevention and mental fitness. Routine exercise compliments to this fact with additional benefits such as uplifted moods, stabilizing blood pressure and even aiding in better stress and sleep management.
Exercising indoors may be the preferred option for most people because the kids are also at home, hence needing supervision. If this is the first time the thought has crossed your mind, then it is not all difficult to get started. Dancing and moving along to aerobics videos are a fun way to get started and growing your body into it.
Where more physical activity like squats, lunges, crunches, planks, or push-ups are more of what you prefer, then there is a wide variety of very affordable equipment that may come in handy in your workouts. These include different options of knee joint support devices as well as the elastic elbow brace and wrist wrap. They function by guiding your joint movements as you work out helping you train longer and avoid self-injury. This is very helpful, especially when doing challenging full-body exercises like push-ups or squats.

It is also important to try and mimic your office environment as it can help you balance physical activity all through the day. A simple example of how you can achieve this is if you were normally used to walking a few steps from your desk to the water dispenser in a different room, then avoid having a jug or bottle of water near your working area but instead walk to the kitchen to get water when you need to. Such coping will prevent you from unnecessarily sitting around too long.
Staying in good physical shape not only makes you feel better and gives you the energy needed to get through the day, it also boosts your immune system and makes it stronger. This gives you a better chance of fighting many ailments including COVID-19.
Exercise self-care by eating regularly and maintaining balanced nutrition.
In the wake of a devastating outbreak as the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important for you to regularly hydrate and ensure proper nutrition.
Try to have a daily intake of fresh foods. When the urge to give into snack time gets the best of you, opt for a vegetable sandwich or apple as opposed to alternative snacks high on sugar and fat levels. When preparing a vegetable meal, remember not to overcook it as this may result in the loss of vital vitamins. Fruits and vegetables also compliment water as a source of hydration. You can also use natural oils like coconut oil as an alternative to butter and vegetable oil as it is also great for baking, greasing pans, and frying.
Nutritional supplements are also a sufficient way to compliment one’s dietary needs as well as an immune boost especially with the children at home and the prevalent cold season where they may be susceptible to communicable diseases like the common cold.
Psychological wellness.
Even with everything mentioned above and maintaining near perfect physical fitness, all falls apart if the matters of the mind are not well taken care of. Almost six months into the pandemic, there are many who have maybe been suspected to have contracted COVID-19. Others have lost friends or relatives to the pandemic and may be dealing with a lot of grief and social stigma. It is important for one to be mindful of others and regularly check on loved ones. Even as life seems to be heading towards some form of normal resumption, not everyone is psychologically prepared for the same.
Children may react to mental stress in unconventional ways such as social withdrawal, anger, or clumsiness. Different parents devise different techniques to provide that extra time and attention in a bid to address their children’s concerns in a supportive way. This may include organizing a well laid out play time program and activities, thus creating an opportunity for them to relax their mind and open and be more receptive to facts about the new normal. The World Health Organization advises that where one may need to, seek counselling from appropriately trained health care professionals and peer counsellors.

The reality is that we are living in a new normal. This is a global crisis where everybody is affected. The readiness to accept these profound changes and equipping oneself with the right knowledge and skill, then we will be resilient and maybe the new normal may turn out better than the “old normal”.
Even as we continue to adjust to life with the COVID-19 pandemic, we still have a chance to continue living our lives albeit with adaptations to avoid spreading the disease. At MYDAWA, we reassure you that we will continue delivering the products you need to live well safely and professionally.